There are many people who have at least one piercing (or tattoo). Body modifications have become very common and accepted in many areas of life. They are especially popular among young people and certain subcultures. Piercing, tattoos and other body modifications are a great way to express ourselves and change our appearance any way we want. It is a great way to add something new and to enjoy our bodies more.
In essence, a decision to get a piercing or a tattoo should be a personal one. It concerns you and nobody else. Your body, your choice. This is your own way to express yourself and it should not concern other people.
Public Reactions
Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way in real life. There are many people who are still highly prejudiced against people with piercings, tattoos and other body modifications. Their reasons for hate are different, but have one thing in common: they want to police your own body and tell you what you can and can’t do with it.
The truth is, piercings, tattoos and body modifications do not harm anyone. In most of the cases, they have nothing to do with other people. Despite this, there are many out there who’d like to make your body modifications their business. Sometimes, it’s about expressing their opinion (usually negative), but it can often go beyond that.
As a person with piercings, tattoos or other body modifications, you probably know about all the comments, reactions and questions you face in everyday life. Many times, those reactions are positive, but what about the other ones? What happens when public has a negative reaction to your body modifications or think you are a bad person because of them?
In many situations, you can simply ignore it. These people are not worth your time and you don’t owe them any explanation. Your body is yours and you don’t have to listen to their negative reactions. If they don’t want to have any body modifications, fine – you don’t make them. It’s their choice not to have any piercings, body jewelry, tattoos or other body modifications and it’s not your place to tell them they’re wrong about it. Because it’s not wrong for them. Similarly, they have no right to tell you your body modifications are wrong, because they are not wrong for you.
This way to treat public reaction is a good way to make people mind their own business. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy like this. There are some situations in which public reaction can have negative consequences for you, especially in the professional setting.
What if Your Boss Doesn’t Like Your Piercings?
Let’s face it: there is still stigma about piercings, tattoos and other body modifications. It’s therefore sad – but not surprising – to know that many companies and employers discriminate against people with body modifications. It’s still difficult to find employment if you have visible modifications, and while it should not be that way and while we should fight against it, it’s important to realize it’s happening.
So, what to do in this situation? There are several options. The easiest one would be to simply quit your job or refuse a job offer. However, this may not be a wise thing to do because most of us need jobs to survive.
Unfortunately, it means a bit of a compromise. It’s always best to seek employment with companies that do not mind body modifications, if this is not possible, try to talk to your employer and come up with a compromise.
In many cases, it may mean hiding your piercings or tattoos. You can approach this in several ways. For example, you may wear simple, discreet jewelry that will not draw attention to your piercings. Or you may try to hide your body modifications with clothes.
In some situations, you may go with special hider jewelry or retainers. These jewelry pieces are specially made to hide your piercings and to be discreet while preserving your piercing and preventing it to shrink. This may be a good way to go if your boss requires no visible jewelry. However, you need to talk to your employer about this.
Whatever you do, try to avoid jewelry removal. Many piercings shrink quickly so you may have difficulties to insert a jewelry piece after not wearing anything for hours.
Finally, you have an option of retiring your piercing. It is an extreme measure, but in some cases may be the only option if you wish to keep a job you like but your boss is absolutely against piercings. Keep in mind that you can usually get repierced later, so think about this retirement as temporary.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |