Bladder Sounding: How Deep to Go?

~ Hondo

What sound technique do you use to enter the bladder? I have a 12” sound, about how deep do you slide a sound in to reach the bladder, and how do you know when you have entered the bladder?

Bladder SoundingDeep urethral sounding is an extreme technique ideal for users with plenty of experience. This is not something you want to attempt as a newbie or even as a casual fan of urethral play. Deep forms of urethral sounding, such as prostate or, more extreme, bladder sounding, are very intense and not ideal for everyone.

Those who want to know more about it need to understand that many times, going into the bladder is just not something you want to do – unless you truly know what you are doing. Even for users with plenty experience with urethral sounds, bladder sounding is not a thing unless they are into extreme forms of urethral play. However, if you want to know more about this type of sounding, it is important to get informed and to follow all safety precautions. This is the only way to stay safe during urethral stimulation that involves the bladder. 

Do I Really Want to Do This?

The first thing you need to ask yourself about bladder sounding is whether you truly want to do it or not. Remember, this type of urethral play is not for everyone. Even some of the users with plenty of experience don’t want to go that deep. Going into the bladder can bring pain and urinary tract infections. You may also experience urine flow that you cannot control.

On the other hand, there are many people who say that the idea of sounding into the bladder is highly erotic and that they want to try it. These people are typically familiar with sounding into the prostate and have perhaps encountered sounding to the bladder entrance. While this is not a guarantee that they will like bladder sounding, they might be good candidates to try it. Again, it is important to go slowly and to do everything you can to stay safe!

The Best Technique for Bladder Sounding

If you want to try deep urethral play, you will need a toy that can go truly deep and that will provide a good fit. This is why urethral sounds with a curve on the end work great. Toys such as Van Buren sounds are specially designed for deep urethral play. It is better to use them than straight sounds when you want to go past the prostate.

You will generally know when you hit the prostate entrance because you will encounter some resistance. With gently rotating the sound and without much pushing, you should be able to enter the prostate. This is a highly arousing and erotic experience for many people. If you gently move your sound even deeper, you will go through the bladder and you will encounter a new resistance. This is the entrance of your bladder.

Many people are satisfied with only teasing the entrance of the bladder with the tip of their urethral sound. Even this feeling can be highly erotic. However, those who want to go into the bladder will need to move the sound a bit further. Do not push: this can only irritate and damage your bladder. Work slowly on relaxing yourself and tease around the entrance of the bladder until you get inside. Keep in mind that this is an extremely intense or even painful experience but it is arousing for those who are into extreme sounding and painful pleasures. Don’t be surprised if you release some urine during sounding: this is often (but not always) a sign that you are inside of the bladder.

Instead of metal urethral sounds, using catheters or soft, flexible urethral toys can work much better for bladder sounding. These toys are comfortable and less intense, which is something you need while you are still practicing sounding into the bladder. Catheters are medical devices so they are sterile, which is something you absolutely need for bladder sounding. However, if you prefer silicone sounds or hard sounds you may use them but be careful and make sure to sterilize them before use.

How Deep to Go?

This will largely depend on the person and his individual anatomy. For some people, it is easier to get sounding devices into the prostate and bladder. Others need to go deeper, so to speak. Generally speaking, an 11” or 12” long urethral sound will do. However, it is important that your urethral toy has a curve on the end so it follows natural curves in the urethra.

Again, consider using catheters or soft, flexible urethral toys if you want to engage in bladder sounding. These toys are more comfortable and it might be easier to insert them into the bladder. Whatever you do, make sure to use only sterile toys! It is important to protect yourself against urinary tract infections and other issues.

Happy sounding!

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

10 thoughts on “Bladder Sounding: How Deep to Go?

  1. If you are going to sound into the external spincter, and into the prostate and possibly probe the bladder you should prep your body first by drinking unsweetened cranberry juice often before you sound and after you sound as this will stop bacteria from latching into the urethra walls and bladder walls and it can prevent a nasty uti/ bladder infection.prep your body first than have fun.

  2. I think you’ve made a mistake here:

    “If you gently move your sound even deeper, you will go through the bladder and you will encounter a new resistance. This is the entrance of your bladder.”

    I think you mean …you will go through the prostate….

  3. Do you think it’s possible to reach the entrance of the bladder with a very long straight steel sound?

    • Well indeed it is as this is *exactly* what a standard medical cystoscope is.

      It requires moving the angle of the sound down as it encounters the prostate.

      Definitely not for the inexperienced!

        • Hello Dan! We are pleased to inform you that there’s no black hole in the cock! Yes, the anus does have a well deserved rep for sucking in toys, but that’s not the case with your elephant trunk. About the only way something can get lost there is if you spend a few months stretching your urethra and then get a handful of small beads, do a handstand with your woody pointed at the ceiling and pour the beads down your stretched urethra!

  4. I have recently got into sounding and love it. I swear the first time I did it my hands were trembling just from the erotic nature of it. The sound slipped into me in a second and was in 4″ before I knew it. After that initial time I sounded numerous times and enjoyed it to the max. I found the need for getting more lube into the urethra. I purchased some sterile syringes with the Luer end on them and some one time use catheters. The catheter fit the Luer end of the syringe perfectly. I cut the catheter so it was around 7″ long. I filled the syringe with sterile KY Jelly and eased it into my urether. The open end of the catheter allowed me to place lube into my urethra nicely. I then slipped in a silicone vibrating 7mm sound. It was amazing. I would remove it reinsert the catheter and add more lube to my urethra. I would then insert the silicone sound and go deeper. The sound is 8″ long and I managed to get it all the way into me. I was at the entrance to my prostate at that point. I loved how this felt so I removed it then slipped in one that was 11″ long adding in a bit more lube before using it. I needed to manipulate the sound to get it further so I knew I was at the prostate at that point. It went in with ease and felt really amazing. When I was doing I urinated to get out the KY Jelly. I have an enlarged prostate. A friend of mine has the same condition and he tells me he sounds and even though his prostate his urethra stays wide open because of his sounding activity. I was hoping I could do the same for mine. The next day after sounding deep I started feeling really weird and knew something was a miss. The next day I began weeping urine and started getting a temp. I was beginning to get a UTI. Sure enough on the 3rd day I had to call the doctor and get something for it. So my questions to you are?? Do you think I left behind KY Jelly that I couldn’t flush out due to the slower urine flow due to the enlarged prostate and that caused the UTI?? I sterilized everything prior to sounding. I had sounded numerous times prior to this without ever seeing an issue so I sterilized the same way. Do you think the silicone sounds are the issue? I read they can be difficult to sterilize? Also was I using way too much lube for what I was doing? I used a whole 3 gram packet of lube and all of it went into my urethra with most going in deep.

  5. I find it very easy to take in the full length of a Van Buren up to the flare, by simply allowing gravity to let it enter my cock. My friends who have never done it but have watched me are always amazed to see the sound go so easily into my cock.

  6. sounding to the prostate gets my girl all excited when I start to cum. she can’t belive I can take an 18 inch all the way up my urethra till it hits the bladder and I start to Pee. It is all a wonderful felling

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