Benefits Of A Jacob’s Ladder Piercing

What is Jacob’s Ladder Piercing? 

Jacob’s Ladder” is a type of body piercing that involves inserting multiple barbells or rings along the underside of the penis. The piercing is named after the biblical story of Jacob’s Ladder, which describes a ladder that connects heaven and earth. The piercing is usually done by a professional piercer and involves a series of small incisions along the underside of the penis, through which the barbells or rings are inserted.

The holy book says that Jacob was a pastoralist. If he had a ladder, no one seems to have known about it and auction houses like Christie would have spent most of the last century hawking that to the highest bidder!

That said, Jacob did have a dream of a ladder reaching from the earth to the heaven on which angels were ascending and descending, almost like they had nothing better to do with their time! Or maybe they were giving their leg muscles a good bit of exercise and preparing for a marathon that would shake the galaxy!

The aforesaid ladder has due to its association with Jacob come to be used to refer to an extreme form of male genital piercing. We are talking about Jacob’s Ladder’s piercing. This piercing is sited at the underside of the penis, and since multiple barbells or rings are used, each does look like the rung of a ladder if you squint hard enough!

Jacob’s Ladder or frenum ladder piercings only became mainstream a few decades ago. Previously, if you were to get such piercings, folks were liable to look at you like you were a four-titted freak with a frog head and a bushy tail! Those were dark times for sure!

Now, most folks who get Jacob’s ladder or frenum ladder piercings do so because it looks cool and makes it appear that they have the biggest set of brass balls on their block! Yeah, seriously, Jacob’s Ladder piercings look rad and if you do get them, they should add to the legend that your naval artillery has been building since you were born!

But apart from their aesthetics, there are several benefits to Jacob’s Ladder piercings. These benefits are as follows:

  • Better Sex: let’s face it, the penis is a rather sensitive motherfucker that can kill with cumshots if provoked! Getting a Jacob’s Ladder piercing can increase the sensations experienced during sexual activity and that is one of the biggest reasons folks shell out for this type of genital piercing. Jacob’s Ladder piercings work great for solo and couple play and having all that metal in your spear of destiny means that spearing holes just got sweeter for both you and the owner of the hole in question! Yeah, the nerves in the vagina and asshole typically get more stimulated by a cock adorned with Jacob’s Ladder piercing than they would by one without those glitzy adornments. So, if boosting your sex life is something you are desperate to do, getting a Jacob’s Ladder piercing that jingles and announces your existence from a block away might be something you might want to fork over money for right now!

  • Self Confidence Booster– everyone should be allowed to modify their bodies the way they like without sanction or judgment. But that rarely happens, with frequent opinion pieces showing up whenever someone does something on their body that most of the society does not approve of. Anyway, not everyone can get Jacob’s Ladder piercings because they are regarded as extreme body modifications. So, getting one proves that you are a bold fella that the government better respect or else! Plus, Jacob’s Ladder piercings by allowing you to modify your body how you like and do things with your body that others cannot or will not do, can serve to boost your confidence in yourself and your pride in your body, abilities, and capabilities. Since they are in the genital area, there’s no way anyone but you and your right hand will know they are there and just knowing there’s more metal on your cock than most people keep in their bedside drawer should put smiles on your face all day! Such piercings add a hella flavor to life and show that you are assuredly not a wimp, not with a metal-laden cock like that anyway!

  • They Aren’t As Painful As They Seem– while we all have different tolerances for pain, the fact remains that Jacob’s Ladder piercings are not as painful as they look. Yeah, getting them is not a walk in the park with the love of your life by any measure, but neither is it the purgatory some think it is. Sure, it can be painful, but such pain is very short-lived, happening only at the very second of the piercing, and not recurring unless there’s an infection, or because a TSA agent stuck his/her hand down your undies and ripped away a piercing or two for kicks! Healing time is short too and lasts from 6-8 weeks. Plus getting multiple piercings at a sitting means that in 3 months or less you can be done with your Jacob’s Ladder piercing and have an iron-packed cock you can put on display whenever you are in the mood!

  • How Many You Get Is Up To You- sure, the Jacob’s Ladder or frenum ladder piercings that get the most fawning attention on the planet are those with 10 or more rings or barbells. But you don’t have to cram every inch of your cock with such piercings if you don’t want to. To qualify as a Jacob’s Ladder piercing, there have to be multiple rings or barbells on the underside of your dick. Thus, getting as little as 2-3 frenum ladder piercings means you can put your name on the roster of those with Jacob’s Ladder piercings! You can add more rings and barbells to your collection whenever you want, and the only limiting factor is the length of your cock and your ability to fork over the fortune the piercer is asking to make your penis the coolest and most iron-blessed!

  • You Do It For You: The best part about a Jacob’s Ladder piercing is that it is so easily concealable. Yeah, no one needs to know that you got one, and having this kind of piercing will not disqualify you from working with reputable organizations that frown on visible piercings, tattoos, and suchlike. You can get a Jacob’s Ladder piercing for you without advertising that fact to the world and there are not many piercings that allow this kind of privacy. That means regardless of where in the world you live and what you do to earn a living, so long as you want a Jacob’s Ladder piercing, you can get it and no one will ever find out unless you put out an ad on Spotify or the front page of the Washington Post!

  • They Come With Options– when we say that Jacob’s Ladder piercings come with options, that does not mean you can get one with FM radio or satellite navigation! By options, we mean that there are varied ways the piercing can be done and that means you can choose the type of Jacob’s Ladder piercing you feel would be an amazing match for the kind of person you are. At present, Jacob’s Ladder piercings can be performed at the top, or bottom of the frenum, as well as by the side. The only necessary thing is that the rings or barbells used must be positioned around 90 degrees to the penile shaft. That and the length of your cock as we must have said a zillion times are the only limitation as to the kind and number of Jacob’s Ladder piercings you can get. So, bring your cock to the office today, and let’s see how it does with Jacob’s ladder!

Well, who knew that Jacob’s Ladder piercings have enough benefits to make a pussy weep with gladness! Got anything to say on that subject? Then hit us up in the comment section below.


6 thoughts on “Benefits Of A Jacob’s Ladder Piercing

  1. Jacobs ladder is my next step on my penis customization now that my PA is at 00ga. Just not sure how many to get, feeling 4 at 10mm intervals would be a nice look.

  2. I have a frenum piercing and I love it. It’s great for me and my partner. She loves it on in either hole. She’s not crazy about it when giving me oral. I havexa 3/4″ bar that is 6 guage with 3/8″ balls

  3. As the owner of a ten rung Jacob’s Ladder, I was blown away by this article. The part about not being too noticeable has to be taken with a grain of salt. I am currently wearing 10 gauge half inch rings and it may take a while, but most folks do notice. At the urologist’s office, the preping nurses usually say something like “Didn’t that HURT?” And I would say somethinng like “I got the first one b/c I liked the way it looks. I got the rest b/c it DOES hurt”. After I had laser kidney stone surgery and was in the recovery room with four nurses. After I came to, they started to re-assemble me. “Glasses, hearing aids, dentures, mmm what are these?” The looks on thier faces as I calmly re-assembled my ladder’s barbells was priceless. While they had heard of a Jacob’s Ladder, that was the first time they actually seen one. Let alone assemble it while they watched.

    So far, only 1 woman said no thanks after trying me with it in place. It seems with the woman on top, they maneuver so my rings have direct contact with thier cilts. Men, OTOH, will start sucking me without realizing it’s there and give me the strangest looks.

  4. Hello. I have been wanting to get a tansscrotal ‘piercing’ done. I have yet to find a place to have this procedure done. Do you know of any place in the Southern California area? Thank you for your time.

    • New Flower Studio in Long Beach. Ask for John. He’s the owner and one of the best piercers in California. Tell him Sean sent you.

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