Baby Oil as a Lube for Sounding: Yes or No?

Can I use regular unscented baby oil as a lube for sounding? I’ve using it for regular masturbation and found no side effects whatsoever, beside a lot of fun.

~ Tom

Baby Oil as a Lube for SoundingAh, the age-old question about using baby oil as a personal lubricant for sexual activities! As you probably know, there are many people who wonder if baby oil is a good choice for a lubricant. With urethral play becoming more and more popular, there are also people asking if it is okay to use baby oil as a lube for sounding.

Baby Oil as a Lubricant

Many people want to use baby oil as a lubricant because it is cheap, widely available and it lasts long. It is undeniable that baby oil can provide really good stimulation and gliding effect for comfort. However, this is not a good choice for a lubricant.

Baby oil is not compatible with condoms so this is one thing to worry about. Another issue is that it is so difficult to wash off. It means that it will stick to the skin (and any other surface). This may not be a problem during external stimulation but it can cause a lot of trouble if you use it for vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Since it is so difficult to remove, baby oil will stay on the surface of the skin and tissue. From there, it will allow for bacteria to multiply without a problem. This can cause numerous yeast and bacterial infections. This is why baby oil should be avoided during sexual activities, except maybe for external masturbation (penis rubbing).

Baby Oil as a Lube for Sounding

Keeping all of the above in mind, it seems like baby oil is rarely a good choice for a personal lubricant. It is difficult to wash out and it can cause bacterial infections. So, what about urethral play? Is it safe to use baby oil as a lube for sounding?

In short, baby oil is not the best choice for a urethral play lube. It is not easy to wash and it can stay inside of the urethra to cause bacterial infections and other problems.

On the other hand, you are free to experiment and see if a specific lubricant works for you. As an adult who makes their own choices, you may want to try baby oil as a lube for sounding. You might not encounter any problems and you might find it very arousing. If this turns out to be the case, great!

However, keep in mind that there are so many reasons why baby oil is not a good choice for a lubricant, especially in cases when you want to apply it inside of the body. It may be safe to use externally, during masturbation of the penis shaft, but it is a completely different story if you want to apply it inside of the penis and down the urethra.

Keep in mind that there are so many sensitive structures inside, from tender urethral walls to prostate and bladder. Applying baby oil to a urethral sound or down the pee hole can cause a lot of trouble because it is so difficult to wash it out. It will not be easy to remove through urination so it may stay there for a long time, providing a great ground for bacteria to multiply. This is a recipe for a trouble.

The Verdict

For these reasons, it is best to avoid baby oil as a lube for sounding. Stick to sterile lubricants that are actually used by doctors for examinations. SurgiLube tends to be excellent for all types of urethral play. It feels good and it is safe even for the most sensitive body parts. This is why it provides a good choice for those who want to have lots of fun with urethral play while staying safe.

Happy sounding!

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

2 thoughts on “Baby Oil as a Lube for Sounding: Yes or No?

  1. I so get off on sounding my cock…I use my precum as lube so…how do I sanitize my rods for safe sounding? I have had a couple of UTIs and want to avoid future ones. Thanks!

  2. What can I do if I think I’ve gotten oil down my urethra? I have mild discomfort at the tip, and I believe it may be urethritis.

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