Ampallang vs Apadravya

Ampallang vs ApadravyaAmpallang and Apadravya are among the most popular male genital piercings. While they are not so common and popular like Prince Albert (PA) piercing they are certainly among the most famous penis piercings in the world. They are also functional piercings, which mean they can be used to enhance pleasure for the wearer and his partner during sex. It is therefore not surprising that there are so many men interested in this piercing type.

There are many similarities between these two piercing types, but also some notable differences. This article presents them both and highlights the main features of the each piercing to help you decide which one is the best for you. At the same time, keep in mind that you don’t have to decide: it is perfectly possible to have both on your penis if this is what you like! It is also possible to have them in addition to other genital piercings.


In many ways, these two piercings are very similar. They are both done on the penis head, and they go all the way through. It means that the piercing starts at one side of the penis and exits through the other side.

Both Ampallang and Apadravya are done at similar gauges. Typically, the initial piercing is done at 12-10 gauge, which is the smallest safe gauge for penis piercings. Anything smaller than that is dangerous. That being said, penis piercings can be stretched relatively easily so many people choose to stretch their Ampallang and Apadravya to a larger gauge.

Another similarity between the two is jewelry used. Both of these piercings typically use straight barbells as jewelry. Depending on the design, the barbells can have larger or smaller balls, but it often depends on the preference and can affect the sensations the receiving partner has during sex.

The healing time for both piercings is the same (around 6 months or more), so it is important to be careful during the healing time. It is best to avoid intercourse or other form of sexual activities in the first weeks after getting your piercing done, and to use condoms until the piercing is fully healed.

Both Ampallang and Apadravya are functional piercings and can be used to enhance pleasure for the wearer and his partner. The exact effect will depend on preferences and the jewelry used, but many people find the pain needed to get this piercing worth the benefits.


While there are many similarities between these two piercings there are also notable differences. The main one is the placement: while Apadravya goes vertically through the penis head, Ampallang goes horizontally though it. In fact, this is how these two piercings are defined: Apadravya is a vertical penis head piercing and Ampallang is the horizontal one.

That being said, keep in mind that it is possible to get these piercings outside of the penis head. Some people choose to pierce their penis shaft horizontally or vertically. If you choose these piercings, however, keep in mind that they do not offer the same benefits as piercings done on the penis head when it comes to the wearer’s pleasure (but may be used to pleasure the partner).

Another important difference to keep in mind is that Ampallang is often done above the urethra and doesn’t go through it. Apadravya, on the other hand, goes through the urethral canal. Of course, some alternate placements are possible and a lot will depend on your anatomy, but these are considered typical placements.

The placements of Ampallang and Apadravya have certain consequences you need to think about. For example, the fact that Ampallang doesn’t always go through urethra means that you probably won’t have any problems during urination and that you will not have to learn how to hold your penis differently during urination. It also means that you will not have to sit while urinating, which is not always true for Apadravya. Since Apadravya goes through urethra it can affect the flow of urine and cause drippings. Some men find that they have to sit while urinating but many men are able to urinate while standing up. However, chances are that you will need to learn how to hold your penis to prevent leakage after you get your Apadravya.

At the same time, keep in mind that many Ampallangs do go through urethra, which means that you can expect some leakage during urination and you will have to re-learn how to urinate while standing up.

Also, the same can be said for ejaculation: if a piercing goes through the urethra it will affect the flow of sperm. Depending on the jewelry size the leakage can be prevented, but it’s not always possible.

Another difference to take into account is the pain. It is not surprising to learn that penis piercings are painful, and Ampallang and Apadravya are among the more painful ones. Out of the two, most men agree that Ampallang tends to be more painful of the two since the needle has to go through more tissue. In the case of Apadravya, there is less to go through and there is a small but significant pain-free moment when the needle goes through urethra. Of course, if you get an Ampallang that goes through urethra you can expect the same pain-free moment but the needle will have to go through more tissue than the one for Apadravya.

Yet another reason for Apadravya being a bit less painful one: many people get it in two sessions. The first step is to get a PA piercing and the next step is to get a reverse PA. These two piercings combined make Apadravya. If you choose to go this way you’ll be getting two shorter piercings instead of one long piercing, which is less painful.

While both Ampallang and Apadravya are functional piercing and can enhance the pleasure they do not always do that in the same way. Some types of sexual activities are better done with one than the other. If you wish to get one of these penis piercings to improve your sex life it is important to know what to expect.

Ampallang vs. Apadravya: Enhancing Your Sex Life

Both Ampallang and Apadravya can help you enhance pleasure during sex, masturbation and other types of sexual activities. However, keep in mind that the effect is individual so what works for one person might not work for the other. Also, it is absolutely crucial to wait with sex after getting your piercing done because you don’t want to hurt your piercing in healing. Once erection and sexual activities become comfortable you can proceed to have sex but it’s important to use condom until the piercing is fully healed.

These are the basic guidelines when it comes to penis piercings. What about the specific sexual benefits? Keep in mind that what’s good for the wearer may not be good for his partner. Men who have Ampallang or Apadravya piercings (or both) generally say that the piercing makes the penis more sensitive and that the jewelry can be used to massage the penis from the inside. This can be particularly pleasurable if the jewelry goes through urethra.

Sexual benefits for the receiving partner are mainly related to the added texture and friction caused by the jewelry on a pierced penis. It is like having a vibrator with special pearls and other features made for additional stimulation.

Both piercings also bring some special benefits. Namely, Ampallang makes the penis head wider, which makes the vagina or anus of the receiving partner to stretch more during sex. This can be very pleasurable. However, some people claim that Ampallang is “too much” when it comes to stretching, so if this is the case for you it might be for the best to try jewelry with smaller balls. Also, some people claim that Ampallang is not so great for vaginal sex but that it can make anal sex much more exciting. In other words, Ampallang may be the best functional piercing for anal sex.

Apadravya, on the other hand, is great for vaginal sex because it can stimulate the woman’s G-spot. Think of a G-spot vibrator with a pointed tip made to massage the G-spot. This is why so many women prefer Apadravya piercing for vaginal sex.

However, these are only guidelines and the exact benefits and sensations experienced will depend on people involved as well as jewelry used during intercourse. That being said, both Apadravya and Ampallang can be used for pleasure and for enhancing your sex life, so they are great functional piercings.

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

4 thoughts on “Ampallang vs Apadravya

  1. I got a dydoe piercing should I have a straight bar instead of a curve bar because
    it hurt and it moves when I have sex.

  2. In fact, the article Apadravya at Wikipedia is quite informative on terminology and origins:

    Apadravya (Sanskrit: ????????) is the generic name used in Kama Sutra for prostheses to increase the size of penis during intercourse, primarily to satisfy a woman classified as hastini (???????, ‘she-elephant’). Fixing an apadravya by perforating the lingam is mentioned as a peculiarity of the “southern countries.” Such definition is supposedly illustrative of palang (crossbar in Iban) and other penis inserts of proto-Malay origins. Indeed, traditional palang design is simply a pin used to accommodate a wooden glans cape extension and hence, the term apadravya in this context refers to the glans cape extension and not to the palang itself. Nevertheless, it was Doug Malloy in the 1970s who labelled the vertical glans piercing as “apadravya” and the horizontal one as “ampallang.”

    Now, I wonder how feasible it is to introduce contemporary glans extensions that may be used with glans piercings.

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